Faithfully reproduce the warm, nostalgic aesthetic of vintage comic book printing with effects so legit, you'll swear you're looking at a scan.
With over 370 colors available, the KraftTone Color System really packs a punch, authentically replicating long-forgotten analog processes with maximum craft and minimum fuss. KraftTone was designed with productivity and versatility in mind featuring easy-to-use brush-based processes that allow for complete customization every step of the way.
Photoshop featured – watch the Procreate and Affinity Photo demos here.
What's Included
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Suitable For Novice To Expert Users
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Featured Artwork By Johnny Dombrowski
This is fantastic!
This has really propelled my creativity. I found it difficult at first to understand the different color swatches and how to do the coloring right, but with the instructions and a little patience it got easier.
I don't know what to tell you, it works great and looks perfect
Excellent product!
Really great, the look and feel it generate is simply awesome. Congrats!
My review:
That Kraft Tone is pretty amazing! Wish O had this magic 40 years ago !!’